"...we got 21 of the packages yesterday and everyone loves them. so I would like to say thanks and everyone here says thanks..."
I talked to him again today and he said they got 42 boxes, so there are still a couple more out there and hopefully on their way! He said that everyone loved them, and were very grateful that we would do that for them. They were really appreciative that they were supported by complete strangers back home.
In the last post, Mark was safe from days, but he has since moved to working days. One good thing about him, is that he is easygoing and will just go with the flow when he has to. He did promise me that he won't volunteer for any missions though which is good. He doesn't have much of a say if he goes out on missions, but they can volunteer to go, which will put them ahead of others. People are chosen from a list of soldiers, where they get rotated, so everyone has an equal chance at going. (By mission I mean leaving the base and going to "recover" vehicles).
Mark is doing good, but missing home a lot. Home is missing him too. I am kind of thankful that I am so busy during the days because it makes them go a lot faster. He told me the other day that he does something every night before he climbs into his sleeping bag. It is really crazy to think about what these guys are going through. Sleeping in a sleeping bag for a year? No thanks. It makes me love my big warm bed a lot more. Less than 50 days until he is home for leave. We have a lot planned for his time home (in terms of trips, holidays etc), but i'll get him to post something here at least once :)
I have become a lot more appreciative of him since he has been gone (not that I wasn't before). They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. It's true. I don't like the situation we are in, but it's reality and there is no way around it. I am thankful for any contact we are able to have, even short two sentence e-mails ensuring me that he is OK really puts my mind at ease. I haven't been hearing from him much lately because of the day shift and because of poor internet service on their end. He has been keeping me updated via e-mail and minimal contact on Skype to let me know that he is OK. He knows i'm a worry wart.
I was sitting in church this morning, and watching a couple in front of me rub each others back, hold hands, and smile at each other. I wondered if they knew how lucky they were. They were cute- made me smile. Just a random thought.
I have several pictures to follow, and will get more from Mark soon as well. I also have some from Sarah from the party that I will put up later. Thanks again for everyone who contributed to the care packages. He is very lucky to have all of you!

If your wondering where mark is, look directly in the center, about 5th row back. He doesn't have his helmet on. I love this picture.

Btw, Mark and I have been married for 6 months today! Crazy!