Hello everyone,
I have a task for you. Since I know more than 3 people read this...I have a little to-do for everyone.
Mark's birthday is Feb 26th- he'll be the big 25, a whole quarter of a century...scary.
Anyways, shoot him an e-mail between now and his bday, or after too i'm sure he'll still appreciate it. His e-mail is,
mark.pound@us.army.milI know he will really appreciate hearing from everyone, and it only takes a couple of seconds to send one out. He is spending his day working...in the desert- not ideal, but hopefully we can send him some love via e-mail.
If you want to send him a bday card, his address is...
SGT Mark Pound
114th Trans. 5th Platoon
F.O.B. Leatherneck
FPO AP 09372
It takes ~10 days for mail to arrive, but even if it's late, he likes getting mail.
Even if you don't know him very well, but know me, his family or my family, you will make his day :)
thanks in advance guys!