40 days until Mark leaves, at least I
think it's 40.
We're at the antsy point...as if we weren't before. He is really anxious to get out of there. If you call what they had before, freedom; the Army has taken it away. They aren't getting days off anymore (they worked 6, got one off), and are working 12 hour days. At least the end is in sight.
We are going to plan a welcome home party/housewarming party for Mark sometime in July/early Aug so i'll keep people in the loop for that...he is excited to see everyone again!
It was proposed to have a surprise party for him when he got back, but as it is, he will be overwhelmed with his "new" life (house, dog, etc.). It's a good idea, but don't want to overload the poor guy.
Trooper is good, still wiggly! He wiggles when he walks or when he's excited, it's really cute. I gave him a bath two days ago, and boy was he filthy! He was so good in the bath though. The other times i've given them to him, he will back his hind legs up the shower wall, so they are on the sides of of wall, and his front legs are on the bottom of the tub, it's so funny to watch. This time, he just stood there, gave me the "look," and sucked it up. When he got out, he ran laps for at least 5 minutes around the house. He was wet though, so instead of just running, he slid on his belly across the wood/kitchen floor. Who needs TV when you have this kind of entertainment. If I can figure out how to get a video on here, i'll put it up!
I'm trying to teach him how to run, that's an interesting task. He likes to sit down randomly, while i'm still running. He also doesn't run very fast. It's a learning experience.
Well, lets hope these next 40 days go fast! I don't count the travel time home, because i'm just excited that he's on his way...those are exciting days too!
Thanks for the prayers, and care packages everyone has been sending...it is all very appreciated!