This morning was a breakfast with the Fil (translation = Father In-Law. There is also Mil, Dil and Bil. We're goofy like that.) Lynnette had to work, so who better to take than the second best Mrs. Pound! haha. It was a good time- we were at the house of a pastor from Salem, where they cooked us up a delish Scandinavian breakfast. It was nice to see some of the Salem-goers again. I did manage to eat a tiny bit too much. You know when you get to that point when you have recline back in your chair a little to let the stomach expand. Mark was a little jealous of the people attending the breakfast, he said "It should be really good!" Oh, we also saw the progress of the Pound house renovations. I agree with the others when they say the Pounds should cook for us next, in their super kitchen! (But don't worry, I'll have no problem inviting myself over when it is finished. hehe!) Lynnette is probably having cooking withdrawals with no kitchen :).
Speaking of cooking, Mark had wanted me to "learn to cook," while he was gone. I'm not sure what that means since I am clearly not starving. This girl can whip up a meal if need be! It isn't something I particularly enjoy doing, but i've been doing a lot more of it recently. If you know me personally, you know that I don't eat much meat, besides chicken. The problem with that is, Mark does. I'm trying to find meals where meat can be thrown in, but will also taste good's kind of fun to experiment. I am also convinced that he will start liking veggies too- i've got a ways to go with that one though. I could make a meal with just veggies, and make it filling and delicious, but my poor husband would starve. I do plan on sneaking them in somehow (sorry if your reading Mark) :) Anyways, I'm excited to show Mark my skills.
Mark has been calling often lately. Can't say I mind. Maybe he misses me a little? hehe. We have also been able to talk via skype with a web cam too! I went over the Pounds with my web cam and headset to chat with Mark, and he had borrowed a web cam, so we were able to see him too! They have put a phone in their supply room, so he has better access to it, which
Yesterday he told me that their AC in their tent went out for several hours at a time, which made it very difficult to sleep. He said at one point there were a bunch of guys in shorts just lying on the floor. They have bunk beds, so it is probably a tiny bit cooler on the floor, if you don't mind a little sand. They have been seeing some activity over there (not good activity- catch my drift?). I don't know that I'm supposed to be telling people whats going on, nor am I sure that I am supposed to know. Anyways, Mark is safe, but it is quite a reminder that they are indeed in a war-zone, and safety is not guaranteed.
The picture on the left is of Mark goofing around in the bay, pretending to be wearing chaps. They use cut up jeans as rags. I'm glad he didn't lose his sense of humor since he's been gone :)
We just "celebrated" 5 months of marriage! I was telling this to a co-worker who giggled that we

Lastly, I'd like to say how awesomely great people have been to me. Granted there are always going to be bad eggs, but the majority of people are great. I said it before, will say it again...I have a great family, great in-laws, and sweet friends. Not to mention all the people coming to the care-package party or contributing in some way, I am thankful for you too! My mom's friends and people who don't even know Mark, want to support him. It is awesome to see people reaching out, and giving back. It's amazing when the people around you know when you need to be kept busy, and friends who know when you need a night out. Glad to know they have my back when I need it! Love you guys!!
(If you want to see the pictures big, click on them.)
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