Thursday, January 3, 2013

15 months going on 5 years

Big boy turned 15 months on the first. He's a little tornado and we love him. 

Still wearing 18-24 month clothes
Still only 6 teeth (hasn't gotten any new ones for several months)

Still taking one long three hour nap per day and sleeping 12 hours at night

Loves to eat teddy grahams, cheese, crackers, yogurt, bread, smoothies, sweet potato, hamburger and eggs

Has his complete own language with few recognizable words aside from Mama, Dada, all done, and ball.
He knows much of what we tell or ask of him, but just responds in his own language then goes and does what we ask (most of the time). A common word of his is "duka-duka," and we have yet to figure out what it means. 

Loves balls, the puppy, cars, boxes, laundry baskets, bouncy toys, puzzles, blocks, stacking, trains, Baby Einstein, The Wheels on the Bus, forts, tunnels, baths, walks, reading, pointing to anything and everything, fake crying, and being chased.

Dislikes having his face wiped or touched, sitting still for any amount of time (even in our lap), going to sleep, pears, peas, and being out of sight of mom and dad. 

Hopefully this next month brings a few new words and a new tooth or two!

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