I've been so busy with my sisters wedding festivities, work, and entertaining the dog... that the days have been going really fast.
Mark has also been busy with training in the new unit, still working 12 hour days, every day and going on several missions. As of a couple days ago, he still had one to go on before their time was done. They are working up until the last minute. I haven't heard how the weather is lately, but it probably can't be much better than ours. I doubt they have the humidity that Minnesota graces us with, but it's still HOT.
We are planning a welcome home/housewarming party for July, so i'll update everyone on the date(s) for that. Mark is really excited to see and personally thank everyone for all of the care packages, well wishes and prayers. We are a very lucky family to have just great people around us.
I found this picture last night...

...and this one too...

The fact is, I couldn't be more proud. Do you know what it's like to be overflowing with happiness, and yet alone? I'm physically by myself, but so happy that he has stopped his life here at home and is doing what he is passionate about. Everyone has their opinion of him being there, but the bottom line is, he's serving for you, me and everyone around us. Thank God that we have people who are willing to put their lives on "hold," and even give their lives up for our country...our freedom.
To be honest, most days I'm happy. Happy to have someone in my life that I can be so proud of. ...so happy for. I'm glad that he followed his heart and pursued something that he truly wanted to do. When he joined the Army, he said, "I feel that it is my duty to serve my country, be a part of something bigger than yourself...." and I have no choice but to support him in his choices.
I can't wait for the day that I get to see him again, hug him, and be able to start our lives together. This year is just a brief moment in our lives, that will soon be in the past. I would do anything for this guy, and he would do anything for our country, so lets keep them all in our prayers as they get ready to come home....and for a safe trip.
Love makes the world go round :)
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