He just got back from a mission, but does have another one coming up. I don't like when he goes on them, but for every one he goes on, it's one less that he has to do in the future. One month seems like a looooonnng time, but we're 12/13 of the way done! One month out of thirteen is like one hour out of 24, just a moment in time...this wait will all be over soon.
Today Trooper and I did a 5 mile walk for the Humane Society...there were hundreds of people there, therefore hundreds of DOGS, as well as ferrets, cats, and rabbits. I understand the dog thing, but the rest of those animals were pretty entertaining to see being pushed around in strollers. It ended up being him walking me, and me fighting him the entire way. We went with one of his girlfriends, Abbey.
I came home and dug up some energy to do yard work...it seems to be never-ending! I mowed the yard, dug up weeds, and gave myself more work to do by cutting down an overgrown bush. This thing was so ugly, looked like an overgrown weed and blocked my window. I cut it down, then cut most of the branches up. I must say, it is nice to have the sun shine through now! My body feels like i'm about 80 right now. I'll be regretting doing that by morning!

This picture pretty much sums up Trooper.

This picture pretty much sums up Trooper.
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